Friday, April 6, 2018

Financial Mistakes I'm Making

As much as I try to improve my personal finance, I still make so many mistakes.

Here are a few:
1. Savings account: remember how I did a research on savings accounts? I still haven't made my savings account. Here is my thought process. I currently don't work and don't have direct deposits set up to my checking account. The bank I'm trying to open the savings account with has a deal where they give you $300 for opening up a savings account if you have a direct deposit set up with them. So that's why I didn't make one because at the time, I was debating if I should go back to my part time job or not. But I decided not to (or should I????). Then I got lazy and here I am, still not saving. I shall do this tomorrow. 

2. Tax report: I have been planning to do my tax report way ahead of time but I only started yesterday. I'm usually not this bad with my tax report but I am being lazy this year! I don't know what it is... I guess I wanted to research more about taxes before I started doing mine to ensure I'm not making any mistakes on mine, but now that I kinda studied (aka listening to one-hour-long podcasts about taxes), I don't think I know anything more about my taxes (the podcast episode didn't talk much about filing tax reports as a student). I guess I will finish this this week too.

3. Coffee, tea, and other beverages: ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! This is the point I struggle the most with. I hate using tumblers because it's hard to see if they are clean or not, it's hard to clean them, I hate when they stain and when they smell, I hate carrying them around, and even if I finish everything in there and put it in my backpack, the chance of it spilling something in my backpack is high....The list goes on! I actually tried to carry a mug around but not having a lid became a problem in my car. Some day, I will find THE perfect tumbler, but until then, I'm going to struggle with this. Another thing is that my boyfriend and I enjoy spending time at cafes. We love getting a cup of coffee at a quiet cafe we go to and spend time together studying. I'm going to try to limit this to 3 times a week so we don't spend much money on this anymore. 

4. Receipts: I must admit, I hate looking at my bank account especially when I'm not making any money and am only spending it. This is why I haven't organized my receipts every day. I usually wait 3-4 days and then do them all. I'm kind of getting better at checking my bank account balance though...

Excuses, excuses, excuses. But hey, I started somewhere and I'm aware of my mistakes. So now, the next step is to improve myself. I can do it. What are some of the financial mistakes you make everyday and how are you trying to improve them? Let me know, please, so I can learn from you guys. Anyways, cheers to all of you guys who are working your asses off to achieve your financial goals and we can do this!

Youtube: BreezyChoice
Instagram: breezychoice1

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