Promotional e-mails. I don't really get influenced by them since I don't check my other e-mail too often (If these e-mails were linked to my daily e-mail, I probably would spend a lot more money on online shopping). But it is quite annoying to see them pile up in my e-mail and make the unread e-mail count to be over 1,000 (my fault too cause I never delete them). I already went though a cycle of unsubscribing to these e-mails over one year ago and it was time for me to do it again. Some of them were never unsubscribed to although I had requested it (or they would start sending e-mails after a month) and I found that I had signed up to numerous online shopping websites within the past year (tsk, tsk...).
Anyways, it is quite a simple process to unsubscribe from all these shopping websites. The only hindrance is that, it's very time-consuming to go through all of them. Usually, if you click on the e-mail and scroll all the way down to the bottom, you will see a tiny, a very tiny, word "unsubscribe". Here are some examples:
No offense to Colourpop and LuLu's (I love their websites and products), but do you guys see how tiny the unsubscribe buttons are? That's usually the case. Once you click on them, some websites automatically unsubscribe you and some websites require you to take a few extra steps to be unsubscribed. Some of the websites are confusing, so make sure to read carefully before selecting unsubscribe. Some of them really don't want you to be free from their bombarding e-mails.
It took me a good 30 minutes to unsubscribe from all of them and I shall be free from them (for awhile). This will not only clear up your e-mail but also help you reduce the amount of time spent on shopping websites (aka less shopping).
Cheers to saving time and money!
Youtube: BreezyChoice
Instagram: breezychoice1
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